Monday 8 January 2018


Hello and welcome to the Auto-Torque blog! My name is Jarod Spiteri, a university student who decided to setup this platform as a way to share my passion and knowledge as a die hard car nut with not only other enthusiasts, but anyone wanting advice and general information. You're probably thinking, "Hang on, why would I want advice from some aussie dickhead with an internet connection about a car, tyre, part, type of fuel or whatever?" Well not only I have spent my whole life around cars, reading about them day in day out and working on them occasionally. I'm also employed by Repco, one of the most reputable parts suppliers in Australia and have written a few reviews such as this one on the new Holden Astra, 

I have been wanting to create something like this for a while and look forward to seeing where this blog goes in 2018.

Cheers, Jarod 

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