In case you had no idea what a DPF is, it’s a complicated filter in the exhaust that catches
the black soot like material made by diesels and burns it away safely during particular times like during motorway driving. Entertaining right? Anyway, Toyota failed to put this theory into practice and now we have their cars either clogging up these filters or burning them until they’re destroyed. This problem really hit home with me personally when I began seeing a few Hiluxs driving around bellowing out clouds of while smoke. Oh, did I mention the filter costs more than $10,000 to replace, including labour? The warranty will cover it but expect the problem to come back immediately. And Toyota refuses to issue a recall and fix the problem because it isn’t a, “safety issue”.

Unfortunately the DPF isn’t the only issue with Toyota’s 2.8 diesel, there are also issues with the intake where the engine ingests dust, compromises the air flow senor and goes into limp homemade mode. A mode that greatly reduces power and speed so the car can get to a dealer for repair. How Toyota managed to get this wrong, I really don’t know. And just like the DPF fault, Toyota refuses to issue a recall and fix the problem for good. These issues are not new and have been known to Toyota since 2016! If you have had any of these problems or know of someone who has, please get in touch.
Regards Jarod